Have you ever thought of buying a mobile bar to increase revenue and keep customers happy during longer than expected wait times? At present, a portable bar is one of the essential needs to handle business spikes during events, parties and celebrations.
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1. Maintain Your Service Rate
The service rate is integral to a positive dining experience no matter the restaurant type. A guest will likely form expectations as to how long they should wait for the food, depending on the restaurant. Make it your goal to accommodate all guests as best as possible while they wait, this is when a portable bar is key.
[images style=”0″ image=”https%3A%2F%2Ftheportablebarcompany.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F05%2FMaintain-Your-Service-Rate-.jpg” width=”946″ align=”center” top_margin=”0″ full_width=”Y”]
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2. Create a Unique Atmosphere
Every restaurant owner knows changing the atmosphere is sometimes necessary to accommodate special occasions. Once in a while a birthday party, anniversary or some other event taking place in your restaurant will require a unique touch – Having a professional portable bar you can easily set up just for the occasion is exactly that.
[images style=”0″ image=”https%3A%2F%2Ftheportablebarcompany.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F05%2FCreate-a-Unique-Atmosphere.jpg” width=”949″ align=”center” top_margin=”0″ full_width=”Y”]
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3. Utilize Outdoor Space
It’s always hard deciding how to make proper use of the outdoor patio area in a restaurant. During some parts of the season it will get little to no use, in others it will be the focal point of your restaurant. Even when it is in use it’s always hard to determine wether to use the space for a bar or for additional tables – sometimes you need the space for tables during the week however during the weekend the space is better used for a bar. Having a custom portable foldable bar that can be broken down in minutes allows you to make the best use of your outdoor space at all times. Most portable bars pay for themselves within the very first year!
[images style=”0″ image=”https%3A%2F%2Ftheportablebarcompany.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F05%2FNighttime-Outdoor-800×593.png” width=”800″ align=”center” top_margin=”0″ full_width=”Y”]
Contact us today at 877-764-1256 for a personalized estimate on a portable bar for your restaurant!