Whew! We made it. It’s been a busy few weeks with two trade shows back to back, but we couldn’t be happier. Both the Rental Show in New Orleans and the Catersource Event-Solutions Show in Las Vegas were a blast. Here is a little review of each show.
2015 Rental Show Presented by the American Rental Association in New Orleans
This was our second year at the Rental Show. You may remember last year’s post. The show was just as great as it was last year. The big difference this year was that the show took place in New Orleans instead of Orlando. This was a nice change as New Orleans is a great city with a lot to see. The other major difference this year was that Becky, our beloved Sales Manager, attended the show.
We saw a lot of familiar faces returning this year and it was great to catch up with everyone. We also enjoyed meeting new people and making friends. Everyone seemed to love the smoothies we were handing out at our booth although some were sad that we didn’t change the flavor on day 2. Next year guys!
Like last year, we received a lot of praise for our durable line of Portable Bars. We love hearing customer feedback and being able to talk to people in person at a high level event, like the Rental Show, is invaluable for us as we are always improving our products. Overall, we really enjoyed the trade show and highly recommend attending if you are in the rental business.
Here are some photos from the 2015 Rental Show:
Our Trade Show Team Looking Good!
Let’s Get the Party Going!
Smoothies and Smiles 🙂
Phew! That was a busy thee days. By the end of it, we needed our portable bars to hold us up 😉
2015 Catersource Event-Solutions Trade Show in Las Vegas
This was our first time at Catersource Event-Solutions. We are big fans of the Catersource brand (last year we ran a print ad in their magazine) and we were extremely excited to check out their event.
Just as we thought, the caliber of people and level of professionalism present at the Catersource show was top notch. We met a lot of really interesting people with cool businesses.
The crowd at Catersource took an interest in our portable bars. You could see their minds working as they thought of all the ways they could use a portable bar. It was really cool to see.
Check out some photos from the Catersource show:
Becky, Sherry, and Estephania
Talking Business and Bars at Catersource 2015
We Love Seeing Happy Customers!