Warmer weather is right around the corner and that means patrons will soon be looking for establishments with outdoor areas to enjoy their food and beverages.
Every restaurant, bar, pub and nightclub knows that taking full advantage of your patio area is easier said than done. In order to expand your bar, you have to provide a site plan, identify locations of exits etc. just to get the permit. Here is a list of the requirements for adding a PERMANENT bar in most states.
- Provide a plan of the existing building that includes the following: Fully dimensioned plan of the space including layout of seating areas, kitchen, storage, and restrooms. Total area of the building and each room. Location of exits, exit widths, and type of exit hardware.
- Provide a plan of the outdoor/patio area that includes the following: Site plan showing the location of the patio in relation to the existing building, property lines, and other structures. Fully dimensioned layout of patio area to scale. Identify any area covered by a roof or canopy. Location and type of outdoor cooking equipment. Total area of outdoor facilities including parking, patio, and other buildings. If patio is placed on existing parking lot, a parking analysis will be required Description of the type of fencing enclosure, noting height, materials, construction details, and an elevation view. Locations of exits, exit widths, and type of exit hardware. Exit doors/gates are required to swing in the direction of travel and be provided with panic hardware in areas with 50 or more occupants. Seating layout. An accessible route must connect the patio area to the interior space. This may be accomplished by use of ramps, elevators, or chair lifts. Identify how the accessible route will be achieved. If ramps are used, identify rise, landings, slope, and handrails. Explain if there will be outdoor speakers, musical performances, amplified sound and outdoor lighting locations on the patio. **Please note that if alcohol is sold or consumed on the premises of the patio addition of a bar or tavern, a Conditional Use Permit will be required before permits can be issued. Restaurants serving alcohol are exempt from this requirement.
There are certain loopholes that make expanding or creating a patio bar easier said than done. In most states, if a bar is portable and therefore temporary no permit is required. And as long as you serve food and are therefore technically categorized as a restaurant, no temporary alcohol permit is required either.
That’s why the Flash Bar is the perfect solution for most businesses looking to expand or create a patio bar while avoiding the lengthy permit process. It has the look and feel of a permanent bar, but it can be assembled and disassembled in minutes!
Check out this video of one of our customers Good Spirits Bartending setting up their Flash Bar.