Portable Bars for Event Rental Companies

Portable Bars for Event Rental Companies

[leadplayer_vid id=”53314FE2839D1″] Donna from In Tents Events tells us why she loves our portable bars. Transport our mobile bars with ease Portability is a big factor for event rental companies. When clients come into your show room or call your customer service, in the back of their mind, they are worrying about the logistics of […]

Flash Bar Pricing Announcement

Flash Bar Pricing Announcement

The Flash Bar is now live on our site and we are taking orders over the phone. The Flash Bar is the first modular bar system that caters to large events. Set up a unique and professional bar on the fly Expand the bar– shaping the serving area to fit your needs Durable stainless steel […]

$12,000 in Portable Bar Rentals

$12,000 in Portable Bar Rentals

Allen from Ultimate Rental Services in Chicago bought the Professional Portable Bar back in May of 2013. Since then, the bar has been rented out 20-30 times at $300-$400. That’s between $6,000-$12,000 in less than a year in portable bar rentals! Check out the video below. [leadplayer_vid id=”530DF6C753826″] Donna from In Tents Events loves the […]

Modular Bar for Special Events

Modular Bar for Special Events

[leadplayer_vid id=”53BBC06B7A828″] How is the Flash Bar different from other Portable Bars? Portable bars are great for a wide range of venues; hotels, bars, clubs, restaurants, banquet halls, to name a few, but there is one problem. Where they excel in convenience, they are limited in creativity. A portable bar is just that… a portable […]

The Rental Show

The Rental Show

Updated: Here is our recap video from the Rental Show. [leadplayer_vid id=”53314F9A09F13″] We attended the Rental Show on Feb 12, 2014. Above is a recap of our experience.   In The Ultimate Sales Machine, Chet Holmes says “Trade shows offer an awesome opportunity to really stand out and get noticed.” We are excited to announce […]

See what a Portable Bar could look like in YOUR venue

See what a Portable Bar could look like in YOUR venue

[leadplayer_vid id=”52DC1A5269CDF”] Our friends at Sanctuary Lounge use our Professional Portable Bar at their venue to drive more beverage sales on their popular party nights. Watch the video above. Portable Bar Considerations Before buying a Portable Bar, there are a couple basic questions to ask yourself: Where and how will you use the portable bar? […]

Classing the Place Up a Bit – Using a Portable Bar as a Point of Sale

Classing the Place Up a Bit – Using a Portable Bar as a Point of Sale

One of the ways that we’ve seen a lot of people use the bars is as an additional point of sale or service in places where they needed an attractive, portable solution. This includes hotels, mobile bartenders and caterers, and  event venues. No More “Build-a-Bar” We recently worked with Theatreworks, a Professional Theatre in Colorado Springs […]

Creating a VIP Experience: The Budweiser Zone Portable Bar

Creating a VIP Experience: The Budweiser Zone Portable Bar

Whether it’s launching a new product or business, or promoting an existing one, portable bars can be a valuable tools for gaining attention. Well-designed portable bars offer help to create a  professional, attractive presence that can easily be moved around to different events as part of a promotional campaign. We recently worked with Enhance a […]

The Secret Ingrethe-secret-ingredient-to-craftbeer-success

Why Your “WHY” Is The Secret Ingredient to Craft Beer Success (and How to Do It Right)

Craft Beer is an increasingly competitive market. We’ve all heard the stats – over 2,400 breweries in the U.S and growing quickly. In 2013 we’re seeing more than 1 new brewery open its doors EVERY SINGLE day. Though craft beer’s portion of the overall market is certainly growing, it’s still only around 10% in dollar […]


Do You Want To Be Overflowing with Referrals?

We talked recently about providing a dream come true experience and after sales service. If you’ve followed through and are crafting amazing experience and providing unmatched after sales service, you’ve almost undoubtedly made a huge impact on your client. They know you, They like you. They trust you. What would you expect from someone that […]